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Okay after some start and go and taking extended time off (had kids, went back to school for my masters, etc) I wanted to let anyone that’s still subscribed here and follows my work that I have started a new site. Similar to this one but I wanted a clean slate and a different tone. Either way you can read new comic reviews and articles you can here

I officially decided to join the Revolution full time back in January but I have just now got around to getting my reviews in order and posted on the site. I have gone through many life changes since the last review. First, I am now engaged to a wonderful woman named Miranda. We’ve been dating for over 2 years and are set to wed in October. Second, I underwent gallbladder surgery over the holidays to fix a reoccurring health problem. As of now, the problem has been resolved and I feel a million times better. Third, I wrapped up student teaching and I am close to graduating college. I have been Peter Parker’d and had to take 2 more credit hours but I have resolved the problem and I am nearly done with the class. Now I am embarking on the world of professional job hunting and marriage. It’s going to be crazy but fun.

Now this brings me to my decision to officially join the Revolution full time and what it means for this site. First, it shuts down this site as an active web page. There will still be some of the older reviews on the site and the page will still remain up with a link to redirect people to the new home of my reviews. The primary reason behind the move was that I was pretty much full time over there as it was and this site has reverted to a nonstop link fest. I don’t have much time to maintain my own page and create separate content. Second, I do receive review copies of several comics thanks to the Revolution and I couldn’t really review them for this page with a clear mind. Third, it is the best for the possible views. My readership will increase and it will help spread the word.

I want to thank all of the fans who have supported me all these years and I hope to see your comments and support as I move over to the Comic Book Revolution full time under the feature name: X-treme Corner.

Here is the link to the page that will house my reviews from now on. Here is one final link, my new comic review and first official review for the X-treme Corner: Youngblood #71

Here it is folks after weeks of waiting here is the review of Cap Wolf. Spawn #1 review later this week along with Xombi #1
















As apart of my effort to further consolidate all my past reviews into the XHE series, I have moved Prophet #5 over to that series and as such, it is now exclusive with the Comic Book Revolution.

You can read it here

And you should read it  not every comic book features this dose of awesome:





Last week I debuted the first entry into the new volume of XTREME Holofoil Edition, which you can still read here, and I stated that this week will be a retrospective on JLA Deluxe Hardcover vol.1 (The first 9 issues of JLA by Morrison and JLA Confidential #1 from Millar) and as you can tell, it’s not here yet.

There are reasons for that. The biggest reason was that I never got a chance to build a buffer like I wanted, and as such, rough weeks will lead to delays, quick. I’ve been ill since my 21st birthday and I haven’t had the chance to ever recover. It’s been a terrible time and I’m still struggling to get answers from the doctor.

I say this because I cannot guarantee a solid review schedule. I’m going to do my best to release content weekly. If I cannot, I will double the output that following week. Heck given the sheer amount of material I am determined to cover I might even double or even triple ship a week.

This also means I’m going to slim down the review themselves. At the end of Heroes Reborn I was averaging 3,000 words a review, and 2,500 words in the recent Youngblood Review. That is a lot of words to put down on paper for a single comic. I’m going to cut the synopsis down some. I’m going to aim to get the recap section down to one paragraph. This is similar to what I originally started doing with XHE but decided to do the method I’ve been using for the past reviews because it allowed me to sneak more images into the reviews.

I just don’t have the time to do something that isn’t truly relevant to the review. I think the critical half is the most important and should be the focus of the review.

So yeah I’m going to try to release XHE: JLA sometime this week along with another review. I will say October will have a Spawn review planned.

It’s finally here. The XTREME Holofoil Edition has come back to the Comic Book Revolution! This week I tackle Youngblood #1 and all of it’s Rob Liefeld goodness. As always click the picture to go to the review

Here is an art preview for you:

With art like that, how can you not click!

I have been ill this past month and have been unable to muster the strength to put together a string of words and form a decent review. I apologize for this. XHE vol. 2’s first review is nearly finished but I haven’t started anything beyond that. I had a whole month of September planned but I am going to be unable to finish what I had plan. I’ll just be moving them to a later date.

The reason I am saying this is tentatively scheduled is because I just don’t know what my condition will be later this week. I am having a procedure done later this week  that should give me some answers. I have talked about it on Twitter some, I haven’t done it yet on my own site. I wanted to provide all my readers an update on the situation.

Expect these following  XHE vol. 2 articles

Week of 9/22-Youngblood #1
Week of 9/29- JLA #1-4, a story arc review

I have a set of Halloween themed reviews ready for October. I need to schedule them first, though. Also I am planning a movie review of Spawn with my fellow Comic Book Revolutionaries Andrenn and Brandon. More on that as the date draws closer.

I am limiting myself to a hard budget cap of roughly 25 bucks a month for new comics. I don’t really have the money to buy all of the 52 titles or all of the titles I’m interested in. So, I’m limited to about eighth titles a month after taxes. I have decided to pull seven titles a month and keep the eighth title open for month-to-month off the shelf purchases.

The seven I decided to pull span the various brands of the DCnU and I am giving some titles I’ve never read before a chance here. I am going to explain my reasoning for picking these titles. I also want to note that I am planning to give each of these titles 3 months. After that I am going to re-evaluate the seven titles and decide what to keep/drop and pick up. This way I am reading what I enjoy and not what I feel like I should be reading. I do find this to be the best way for me to purchase comics. I keep things fresh and I don’t get tired of a series for too long.

Now to get to the point, my New DC 52 pull list (Including the solicits, just because):


Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by JIM LEE and SCOTT WILLIAMS
On sale AUGUST 31 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US RATED T • Combo pack edition: $4.99 US

Comics superstars Geoff Johns and Jim Lee make history! In a universe where super heroes are strange and new, Batman has discovered a dark evil that requires him to unite the World Greatest Heroes!

I’ve decided to pick this one for a couple big reasons. First, Geoff Johns is a mastermind with team books. If you haven’t read JSA before, you should do yourself a favor and get his entire run. It’s amazing. Second, it’s Jim Lee. I don’t care if he doesn’t last more than an arc on the book, I will love what I can get. The dude is amazing and the art is a delight to look at. Those two reasons aside, I like the line up on the team and establishment of a new origin for the team.

I’ve always felt that the Justice League needs to be a loaded team. You can have your B-list and C-list members on the team, but Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman need to be there in some capacity. The fact Geoff Johns is on the title and the fact the universe is being relaunched should mean that the line-up won’t be hindered by various editorial mandates like it has in recent years. I hope this Justice League is comparable to Grant Morrison’s run in terms of greatness and impact.

Edit: At the time of originally writing this post, which I started a month ago, Justice League #1 came out. Expect a review here soon.


Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO
On sale SEPTEMBER 28 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
The superstar creators from BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite to take AQUAMAN to amazing new depths!
Aquaman has renounced the throne of Atlantis – but the sea will not release Arthur Curry so easily.
Now, from a forgotten corner of the ocean emerges… The Trench! A broken race of creatures that should not exist, an unspeakable need driving them, The Trench will be the most talked-about new characters in the DC Universe!

Long before the New DC 52 was announced and before even rumors of DC relaunching their entire superhero universe started surfacing, I was looking forward to Aquaman #1. Heck, I wasn’t too hung up on was writing it.  I just wanted to read Aquaman. DC has done a horrible job with releasing any collections of the amphibious hero, so getting an Aquaman fix was quite difficult. The fact Geoff Johns is writing it with Reis on art is just delicious icing on the cake. I was going to pull this months before the relaunch anyway, but DC just sold me even more on this title.

I’m hoping that this run can equal Peter David’s in term of critical success and surpass it commercially. If there is one character that has struggled keeping a title, it’s Aquaman. I want this one to last for a while.

Wonder Woman #1

The new cover is pantless

Art and cover by CLIFF CHIANG
On sale SEPTEMBER 21 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
The Gods walk among us. To them, our lives are playthings. Only one woman would dare to protect humanity from the wrath of such strange and powerful forces. But is she one of us – or one of them?

I’ve never bought a Wonder Woman comic before and I’ve only read the ones that directly tied into some event via collected editions (Our Worlds at War). So this is a new title for me. I am not lying when I say the past Wonder Woman stories, while they’ve interested me somewhat, I was never sold on them. Just something about her character that bores me. I figured with this relaunch and the talent on this series, I should give Wonder Woman a shot. This relaunch is about attracting new readers and I’ll admit that it has attracted me to reading Wonder Woman for the first time.

Resurrection Man #1

On sale SEPTEMBER 14 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T+
It’s the return of Mitch Shelly – and he’s still dead.
Resurrection Man can’t stay dead for long, though – and with each rebirth comes new and unexpected powers. But his many returns have not gone unnoticed, and forces are gathering to learn what’s so special about him – and to see which of them will finally stop Resurrection Man dead.

This is my oddball pick of the DCnU. I’ve always found this character’s gimmick interesting and actually kind of fun. If you have ever read DC One Million then you know that this character can be all kinds of crazy. One thing I am curious about is if the JSA are back on Earth-2 will Vandal Savage be going with them, or will there be a Vandal Savage on this new Earth that can play the role of antagonist for Resurrection Man? This book is on my likely to be cancelled first list, but I don’t care. I will enjoy it while it lasts. It helps that DnA is on the creative staff.

Static Shock #1

On sale SEPTEMBER 7 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
The brilliant, slightly awkward high school student Virgil Hawkins transforms into the cocky electromagnetic hero Static!
A mysterious tragedy forces the Hawkins family to relocate from Dakota to New York City! Virgil embarks upon new adventures in a new high school and a new internship at S.T.A.R. Labs!
As Static, he dons a new uniform and establishes a new secret headquarters! But is he ready to take on the new villains who lurk in New York City’s underworld?

Static’s back and he’s in a series that’s not written by the butcher of Teen Titans! There was much rejoicing. I’m a life long fan of this Milestone Hero and I will probably be buying this series till the wheels fall off. Also I really dig the costume and I like the Spider-man feel they are going for.

Superman #1

Breakdowns and cover by GEORGE PEREZ
On sale SEPTEMBER 28 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
The new adventures of Superman begin here! What is The Man of Steel’s startling new status quo? How does it affect Lois Lane and The Daily Planet? There’s no time for answers now, because Superman must stop a monstrous threat to Metropolis – one that he somehow is the cause of!

This is my controversial pick or at least it’s controversial if you consider that I AM NOT buying Action Comics #1 and instead choose Superman to be my Man of Steel comic of choice. Reasons why? I know the Grant Morrison comic is going to be great. I know it’s going to sell gang busters and honestly wouldn’t be shocked to see it outsell Justice League in the future. I know it’s a year one story. I know it will read great in trade and that’s why I am going to wait. I decided to pick Superman because I don’t know where they are going with this. I actually like the costume and I’m really excited to read Superman again. Which I haven’t done in nearly 3 years due to New Krypton, the Walk, and lack of funds.

Teen Titans #1

Art and cover by BRETT BOOTH and NORM RAPMUND
On sale SEPTEMBER 28 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
Tim Drake, Batman’s former sidekick, is back in action when an international organization seeks to capture, kill or co-opt super-powered teenagers.
As Red Robin, he’s going to have to team up with the mysterious and belligerent powerhouse thief known as Wonder Girl and the hyperactive speedster calling himself Kid Flash to stand any chance at all against a living, breathing weapon with roots in another world! They – along with a few other tortured teen heroes – will be the Teen Titans in this new series from writer Scott Lobdell (WILDC.A.T.S, Uncanny X-Men) and artist Brett Booth (JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA)!

The Teams of the DC Universe are getting the hardest of the reboots. Justice League is getting a new origin, Justice League International looks to be formed by someone other than Maxwell Lord, Justice Society of America is on another Earth, and Teen Titans are getting a fresh start. Of all of these reboots, Teen Titans is probably one that really needs it. Ever since Geoff Johns left Teen Titans the title has struggled. JT Krul made it a solid title in it’s death throws but it failed to meet sells expectations so he is not on the Reboot. Shame really. Now, Lobdell said he originally devised the pitch for the team not as a Reboot but a fresh start. Now with the state of the Wolfman Perez era New Teen Titans up in the air, I am believing this to be a full on hard reboot that ignores Young Justice and Geoff John’s Titans along with the past series. I think DC should’ve canceled the Young Justice animated comic and instead replaced it with a in continuity Young Justice series instead of Teen Titans, if they are truly trying to reach the readers.

That said I am looking forward to this series and it may be the XTREME Holofoil kool aid talking but I like the new costumes.

Well those were my DC: The New 52 pull list picks. As for the 8th title I am going to pick up something random, I’m thinking Batman #1 from Scott Snyder.

I teamed up with fellow Revolutionary, Andrenn and we take a hard look at the September Solicitations, including the DC new 52

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